Mobi Builder

Error reporting

What is an error?

An error is a problem with a program. For example, you will get an error if you try to set a property of a component that doesn't exist.

What is error reporting

Error reporting is a way to identify errors that occur. Mobi Builder has two inbuilt ways of doing error reporting:

Mobi Builder error reporting is enabled by default. It will create a popup in your application when an error occurs. This is very useful in development, but not in production, so it can be disabled when you build your application. Troy error reporting will log errors online. This means that when your users experience an error, you will be able to learn about it from the Troy dashboard. Troy will not create any popups that will alert your users of the error. You can use Mobi Builder and Troy error reporting at the same time. Troy error reporting is disabled by default as an API key is needed for it to work. You can follow the instructions below if you wish to enable Troy error reporting.

Setting up Troy error reporting

Troy has two membership plans. The free plan allows you to have up to 50 active users per month and the pay as you go plan allows you to have unlimited users, with you paying $1 per every 1000 users (active users are rounded up). If you are using the free plan, Troy will not stop users from using your app when you have 50 active users per month. Instead, it will stop logging errors, unless you upgrade to their pay as you go plan.

To set up Troy, go to the following URL:

Next, click get started and create your account. Afterwards, copy the API key that you will find on the Troy dashboard. Go back to Mobi Builder and launch a project that you wuld like to use with Troy. Click 'build' and enable Troy error reporting on the 'build configuration' tab. Next, enter in your API key, then build your project. Any errors that occur will now be logged by Troy.