Mobi Builder

Changing my package name

What is a package name?

A package name is a unique identifier for your app. It usually follows the pattern com.developerName.appName . Your package, is not shown to users by default, but it is easy for a user to find the package name. In this tutorial, you will learn how to change your package name from the default package name that Mobi Builder assigns your application.

How to change my package name

To change your package name, press the 'Build' button at the top of the screen. You will see a variety of options. Under the 'Build configuration' tab, find 'Package name:' and enter in your package name. Then, fill in all of the other information in all of the tabs. Package names are only relevant to android, so you will need to build for android. iOS uses bundle IDs. It is not possible to change the package name of an application that has already been built. After changing your package name, you can dowload and install a package name viewer application from an app store if you wish to test if the change has been applied.