Mobi Builder

The zero code app builder.

Build mobile apps without coding.

Easy to use

Drag and drop components onto a user interface designer to design your application and then give your app functionality with blocks (a visual way to code).

Works on all major mobile platforms

Your application can be compiled to android and iOS. You don't have to make any alterations to your project when building for different platforms.

Based on HTML, css and javascript

You can include custom HTML, css and javascript in your application.


Ask your question on the community forums or ask Mobi Builder if you have a basic or premium membership plan. We also have a helpful documentation, where you can find everything that you need.

Native functionality

You can still use some native functionality in your application, despite it being based upon HTML, css and javascript. In your application, you can use native dialogs and the file system.

Free to get started

Mobi Builder is free to get started with. Only upgrade later to get private projects (and team features if you choose a premium membership).

What is Mobi Builder?

Mobi Builder is a online application builder that requires no coding knowlege. You can design your application using a drag and drop user interface builder and you can give your application functionality with a zero code editor.

How do I get started?

Please refer to our getting started page in the documentation.

How much does it cost?

We have multiple plans, including a free plan. All of our plans will allow you to publish a personal or commercial app without giving attribution to Mobi Builder. Please refer to our pricing page for more information.

Got questions?

Please don't hesitate to contact us.

Get started

Get started for free. Start creating a great mobile application today.



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